It's now Wasp season
if your starting to see a lot more wasps or have an unwanted nest then get in contact with us
rodents are notorious for producing offspring at an alarming rate.
Rats not only pose a danger to your health but they can also cause damage to the properties they infest.
The most common area for cluster flies to inhabit are roof spaces and bedrooms
flies emerge in their thousands causing a nuisance
CK PEST SOLUTIONS specialise in all types of pest services including pest removal, pest elimination and pest prevention using the most advanced methods.
CK Pest Solutions pride ourselves on offering one of the areas premier 24 hour emergency* pest control solutions. In certain situations a pest can be more than just a pest. Health hazards and even fatalities have resulted from poor judgment and advice. When a pest problem occurs that requires an immediate response we offer complete pest solutions including insect control, rodent control and bird control 24 hours a day, 365 days a year*.
Highly skilledCK Pest Solutions are on standby with fully equipped vans containing all the necessary equipment to carry out any pest service. With CK Pest Solutions
Our support team is here to ensure that things run smoothly, so you can focus elsewhere.
If you feel you have a pest issue or just after advice then dont hesitate to contact us